A common issue we have come across with the 3.6 Engine is workshops frequently misdiagnose misfire faults as spark plugs and coils. On the 3.6 a misfire is almost never a spark plug. This led to the need for us to document and publish the 3.6 misfire trouble shooters guide.
This guid takes technicians and DIY repair guys through a step by step process to make sure they diagnose the misfire correctly rather than just throwing parts at it and hoping it fixes it.
Below is the link to the misfire guide.
3.6 Pentastar Misfire trouble shooters guide
One of the possible miss fire is the failed rocker arm on the camshaft and lifter operation.
In this video we show you a failed rocker and a good mechanical rocker
When these fail the roller component to the rocker collapses and rubs on the camshaft.