I guess we have gotten this far into the story without explaining where the name GDL Automotive Services comes from.
So the idea of using the words Automotive Services came from a close friend of mine with whom I worked and hope to in the future employ as one of the team members. John had set about purchasing a pre existing business and had allocated a business name of Roseville Automotive Services (Roseville is a local suburb in Sydney). John was given legal advice that the business he was about to purchase was sound but the contract by the sellers was not and carried with it some serious risks. John opted out and went back to working for someone else which left the name available
Roseville was not my suburb I intended to work in so naturally it was out but Automotive Services was free for the taking with John’s blessing we had it. The GDL is actually my initials even though I’m known by my middle name Dannie (something my family does with first born males is name them Graham and then refer to them using their middle name?)
So GDL Automotive Services came into existence.