Humble Beginnings

Modified and high performance cars grabbed my attention from late high school and saw me start an  apprenticeship in motor mechanics. Whilst completing this I founded a modified enthusiasts car club with a few friends who were also completing apprenticeships within the automotive industry.
Over the next seven years I slogged it out running this club and introducing ideas, events and concepts never undergone by other car clubs. The high risks and hard work paid off as the club saw membership numbers exceed 400 and events hosted by the club became known as nights never to be missed.
As the numbers grew the need to maintain order and control grew with it. To fill this need the club was re-structured into a small business structure and up to ten volunteer staff were recruited along with bank accounts established and a division created for PR due to the need to deal with local councils and police with such large numbers of young people attending any one event.

Modified car enthusiasts in a stereotypical context are a young generation and often lack diplomacy and common sense. I had established this club and over seven years had overseen its management with a variety of amazing people, some of whom are still great friends of mine. However at the end of the seven years I had come to the conclusion that I was no longer operating within my peers and was in fact dealing with a generation below me with whom I was struggling to connect with due to the age difference. It was at this point I had realized that not only did I have a great passion for modified cars but I had developed one for small business and with that, had developed my skill set in it. Naturally seven years in an administration role saw its challenges but I learnt a lot from that role and concluded that starting up my own business was definitely a good idea given the skill set I had developed whilst doing this.  So GDL Automotive Services was born.

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