A Little Direction

10pm on a Friday night Peter Goble arrives at my workshop to borrow a DVD. A few hours later he leaves after we discuss the purpose and direction of this Blog.
Together we have nutted out a plan for the development of this blog over the next month or so with the intention of releasing it on the GDL Automotive Services website and Facebook page in early January 2014. I have also managed to rope Pete into becoming the author of said blog from January. The intention being the blog will still be my/GDL’s story but written by someone with spelling, punctuation and grammar that is far superior to my own with the added bonus of Pete’s razor sharp wit. So what’s in store? Between now and the taking on of PG, I will on a daily basis retell the story that got us to this point. It will be a somewhat compressed story as it’s a four year story compressed into what will be about 30 posts. Then kicking off in January PG will begin, continuing to tell the story as it unfolds.
The introduction of PG is fitting I think, as from the day of conception through to where we are now he has always been willing to help and support the cause even when he had no car. PG has lifted many a gear box, bled brakes and run around the world picking up parts for me. He is my Steve Wozniak or Quentin Wilson. Google them, both great stories.

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