On the ninth day the Lord said “let there be a Honda”. Honda is Gods gift to the automotive world are car that is amazing for everyone. Yet Adam ate from the forbidden tree so unfortunately we have a few common faults in these great cars. These are purely due to the decisions one man made whilst talking to a giant lizard. The first ever human brain came to the conclusion that a reptile was more intelligent than he.
There shall be words said to many great biblical characters when I finally see them and first on my list will be the man that indirectly ruined a perfect score for Honda. Upon my entry through the pearly gates I will find Adam and kick him in the shin uttering the words “thou shalt not taint the Honda” if it weren’t for Adam Honda CRVs would not have a problem with starter motors.
Unfortunately through a long list of seemingly unlikely events through history we ended up in the modern era. The day of the Honda CRV and we now have a car with very few faults but the ones they do give can cause any mechanic to loose his mind.
The CRV is common for the starter motor failing. In most cases this is not a big deal. Simply change it over and away you go.
In the CRV it is not so. The intake manifold requires removal to access the starter motor. Many DIY starter motor replacements have decided this is hogs wash (what the hell is hogs wash? A bath for wild pigs?) and attempted to remove the starter from underneath the vehicle. It can’t be done, that bloke then has to pay a tow truck to a mechanic who is willing to finish a job started by a bloke who cleaned his hands after the job with washing powder and warm water (it works but it burns)
The inlet manifold comes off the vehicle along with the throttle body. The is made easier by loosening the radiator support and pulling that forwards and remove the bonnet latch.
You don’t have to remove the complete manifold, you can get away with just separating the plastic component and lifting it up and out of the way. If this is your first attempt at this job allow a few hours and a small bucket full of profanity. Once you have knocked a few out you will be able to carry out this job in about an hour.
Its probably a whole lot easier if you just get your mechanic to do this job. its not much fun. Some jobs are suitable for an amateur DIY guy. This one is not recommended.