Should I Buy a Lexus?

Unfortunately the luxury car market is dominated by the European car manufactures. Its no secret that mechanics are not huge fans of these vehicles. If you wish to delve deeper into the flaws with vehicles manufactured in the Land of the Kraut, then have a look at some of our previous articles. Whilst putting this article together we have discovered that we have in many articles referenced the “Don’t buy a European car blog” but it would seem this article was never written. This is something we will remedy.
Back to the point at hand. If you want to pull up to cafes in your luxury SUV pretending your living the high flying life of Harvey Spector or Frances Underwood then your options are limited to BMW, Mercedes Benz, VW or Land Rover (as well as some other less desirable makes). Unfortunately not a single one of these has a badge on the grill that originates form the Land of the Rising Sun.
lexus interiorIn our opinion Japan are world leaders in car manufacturing. They make the most mechanically sound vehicles and we always advise our clients to choose a Japanese manufactured vehicle. The luxury car market gives you only one choice if you’re sticking to our amazingly sound advice. That choice is Lexus.
Lexus is a glorified Toyota. They are the same company with the same mechanical components and engineering they just come with a lot more panache. If you feel the need to own a luxury vehicle for whatever reason. WE strongly advise Lexus as your first choice.

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