In a further blow to an industry struggling with a reputation for fraud, dishonesty and outright criminal activity, several private car yards in Sydney have managed to bring the auto industry back into the spotlight. The accusation is surrounding the winding back of odometers on vehicles that are imported from Japan as second hand cars. Parramatta Road has always had a reputation for a bit of shady behaviour and things like this don’t help them.
The operation carried out by NSW Police was dubbed “Operation Paris” and saw raids on several small businesses in Sydney. The raid targeted four motor traders and three motor repairers.
The operation has carried on for over two years, with police exercising search warrants in recent weeks. One dealership had its licence to operate immediately suspended. The Police have identified up to 100 vehicles that have had odometers tampered with.
The evidence that will convict these crooks actually comes from Japan. When the second hand cars leave Japan the Japanese government requires the vehicles to have a reregistration certificate in which the cars odometer is recorded. NSW Police have worked with the Japanese Government to retrieve the evidence that shows the cars leave Japan with more kilometres on the speedo than when they are registered and sold in Sydney Australia.
Several of the businesses have been charged or are facing charges relating to fraud, odometer tampering and false advertising. IF convicted of fraud the perpetrators are facing up to ten years in prison.