Carbon Treatment For Diesel Engines

Emission laws in many developed countries require that vehicle manufacturers meet strict requirements that, as history shows, are challenging for manufacturers to meet.

Either the costs involved cause profits and margins to diminish or the rules are just to strict many manufacturers have been caught and punished for cheating these rules.

The result of these emission reducing devices is the need for things such as EGR (Exhaust gas recirculation) and DPFs (Diesel particular filters) Many of these emission reducing devices cause headaches for mechanics and owners alike with the parts often requiring servicing or replacing at a significant cost to the consumer.

Diesel owners in built up cities and suburbs alike will be all to familiar with the need to force DPF burns, carboned up inlet systems and sticking EGR Valves. Many of these items become so badly affected by the carbon build up that part replacement is often required over repair.

The introduction of an on vehicle cleaning product allows a cost-effective preventative measure that will greatly reduce the carbon build up in the intake system if carried out routinely.

The most common example witnessed in our workshop is the Jeep Grand Cherokee Wk2 Diesel engine. This motor uses a plastic inlet manifold with a set of secondary intake runners that are electronically controlled. Once these runners carbon up the small gears operating the runners break due to the carbon build up. The replacement costs for this failure exceed $5000.

Routinely carrying out the on car carbon treatment on these vehicles is greatly reducing the need for that repair with our Grand Cherokee owners.

Avoid costly repairs on your diesel engine. Contact us today to book your treatment today

(02)9987 2818

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